Volume 1st:
One Family and my Cup of Tea.
Es un proyecto de @miss_innit con ilustraciones y lettering de @sandwichgogogoch que tengo el placer y responsabilidad de diseñar. Como dice su autora este libro es una canción de amistad, un poema, un documental, una biografía y un texto que recoge la historia de Cup of Tea Records, un sello clave en la escena de Bristol entre 1995 y 1999. Pronto lo verán impreso, esto es tan solo un sample para empezar a cantar una canción editorial junto al resto del equipo @milo.menalkiawn @ezemandelbaum y @damseltalk.
Como dice su autora: “Un libro precioso que apareció en mi vida. @ecafaro hace el diseño, @sandwichgogogoch el arte y las ilustraciones e infografias, Ale Leonelli y mis queridos Milo y Eze que me editan alientan los pensamientos, @milo.menalkiawn @ezemandelbaum a @damseltalk que me ayuda a reescribir y a reafirmar que este libro es una canción de amistad.
Thank you so much!
Thanks Brizzle thanks Buenos Aires. Thank you! 💜”
Thank you so much!
Thanks Brizzle thanks Buenos Aires. Thank you! 💜”

“So I have to say that this book can not solely be read, it is meant to be heard. I wish I could capture your attention and take you by the hand towards these sounds of the land of Bristol in the 90s.
Through the notes that will surface in this compendium of what began as music research and culminated in being a family, it may appear (without you being aware) in the form of a landscape of the soul of a city, which could be said to be its own country. It is where I have ventured to this entire existence, with the mission of going through it, as it serves as a map to cross the sea, like a message in a bottle.”
Through the notes that will surface in this compendium of what began as music research and culminated in being a family, it may appear (without you being aware) in the form of a landscape of the soul of a city, which could be said to be its own country. It is where I have ventured to this entire existence, with the mission of going through it, as it serves as a map to cross the sea, like a message in a bottle.”
Miss Innit, 2019